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Please see the main LibraryPress@UF site for more information.

LibraryPress@UF engages in library publishing as a collaborative endeavor.

LibraryPress@UF (LP@UF) publishes scholarly, educational, and creative works, with an emphasis on promoting public access to scholarship and ethical practices in scholarly publishing. Library Press complements the work of the University of Florida Press (UF Press) to collectively contribute to the shared missions of the Libraries, Press, and UF.

In addition to works published by, we also publish works from the LP@UF, such as SOURCE, Magazine of the University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries, an open access journal, distributed primarily in electronic format. SOURCE publishes contributions based on enduring relevance, relation to libraries and transformative collaboration, and the centering of student voices (e.g., opportunity for students to engage in publishing and stories about student work).

Titles published by and from LP@UF recognize that keeping with practices for specialized presses means that the scope of work includes promulgating best practices and experimental work that pushes boundaries in support of community and capacity development.